Recent ISMAgent Samples and Infrastructure by Iranian Threat Group GreenBug

Recently we detected new samples and Infrastructure of ISMAgent,  a trojan in use by Iranian Threat Group GreenBug. Interestingly, as part of the delivery mechanism, the malware is disguised as a base64 digital certificate and decoded via certutil.exe. This post describes the new campaign. change Sample change (812d3c4fddf9bb81d507397345a29bb0) exploits CVE-2017-0199 and calls the following URL: http://www.msoffice-cdn[.]com/updatecdnsrv/prelocated/owa/auth/template.rtf

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The Economy Behind Phishing Websites Creation

The main aim of this research is to understand and describe the eco-systems of fake websites developers and designers, and the basic economy behind creation of fake websites that impersonate legitimate websites of banks, credit cards companies and corporations. Mostly, the aim of those fake websites is stealing credential (banking or corporate) or credit cards […]

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